Geo Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use Geo in a disaster recovery situation?

Yes, but there are limitations to what we replicate (see What data is replicated to a secondary node?).

Read the documentation for Disaster Recovery.

What data is replicated to a secondary node?

We currently replicate project repositories, LFS objects, generated attachments / avatars and the whole database. This means user accounts, issues, merge requests, groups, project data, etc., will be available for query. We currently don't replicate artifact data (shared/folder).

Can I git push to a secondary node?

No. All writing operations (this includes git push) must be done in your primary node.

How long does it take to have a commit replicated to a secondary node?

All replication operations are asynchronous and are queued to be dispatched in a batched request every 10 minutes. Besides that, it depends on a lot of other factors including the amount of traffic, how big your commit is, the connectivity between your nodes, your hardware, etc.

What if the SSH server runs at a different port?

We send the clone url from the primary server to any secondaries, so it doesn't matter. If primary is running on port 2200, clone url will reflect that.

Is this possible to set up a Docker Registry for a secondary node that mirrors the one on a primary node?

Yes. See Docker Registry for a secondary Geo node.